
Tel: +44 (0)7740 189385

Address: 17 Hope Street

               Liverpool L1 9BQ


Get in touch, you never know, we might do something amazing...

with O Jaime C


COLLABORATION  - Francisco and Norwegian singer/song writer, Grethe Borsum have put together and exciting new collaboration named REBEL AT SEA.
Their first performance was held at D&N Liverpool, wonderful feedback. With a New EP out in May 2013, it promises to be a very special year for Rebel Click here to check Rebel At Sea...


COLLABORATION  - Francisco continues to collaborate with Freddy Perez aka DJ MUVELO with music, dance and multi-media based on their work around Latin American culture. Click here to see more...
BOOK  - Francisco is developing a book of words and images, incorporating his love of storytelling, poetry, song and crazy images he sees as visual stories. Click here to read some sample writings...Writings.html

Rebel At Sea

COMMISSIONS  - Francisco has produced a number of commissions including A Reason to Sing and is currently working on a new performance called “La Carta” (The Letter). Click here to read some sample writings...Commissions.html